Maintenance/Groundskeeper Job Description
Employment Term: June 2 – August 29
Salary: Salary commensurate with experience
- Minimum Grade 12 Education
- Experience in small repairs and maintenance
- Experience groundskeeping and cutting grass
- Acceptable current Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Search (VSS) upon offer of employment.
- Responsible for keeping all aspects of the buildings, equipment and grounds in good appearance and in good working order. This includes monitoring and maintaining the water and sewer systems, plumbing, electrical and swimming pool operating systems.
- Where the complexity of repair work is deemed to require outside contracting, the Maintenance Person is to arrange for this with the approval of the Executive Director. Where emergency services are deemed to be required immediately, the Maintenance Person is to contact the Executive Director. If the Executive Director is unable to be reached, they are to use their own judgment in calling for outside contractor assistance.
- Needs to be available on-site whenever campers are in camp. When needed to be absent for purposes such as obtaining supplies, this is to be coordinated with the Executive Director.
- Reports regularly to the Executive Director on emergent issues and projects for the camp.
- A daily “log” is to be maintained by the Maintenance Person recording hours worked and tasks completed and items requiring attention, to be available for review at any time by the Executive Director.
- Proper safety equipment and safe operating use as recommended by tools and equipment suppliers or manufacturers are to be on hand and used.
- Attend, at the employer’s expense, a suitable Swimming Pool Management training course as required by the provincial or municipal authorities. Satisfactory completion of the course will be a requisite for continued employment.